A Guide to Building the Best Succession Plans (+ Examples)

Gen Z employees in the workplace

Dive into a detailed succession plan example & learn how to cultivate future leaders. Get tips & tools for smooth transitions & sustained growth.

CEO of Together

February 6, 2024

Picture this: your CEO announces their retirement. The board scrambles to find a suitable replacement. Morale dips. Uncertainty hangs heavy in the air. Sound familiar?

It's an all-too-common scenario of unplanned leadership transitions, a recipe for disruption and lost momentum. In fact, 49% of companies worldwide lack a formal succession plan, leaving them vulnerable to talent gaps and costly instability.

But it doesn't have to be this way.

Succession planning isn't a luxury, it's a strategic lifeline. It's identifying and nurturing your future leaders, not before the storm, but while the sun shines. It's ensuring a smooth handover of the baton, preserving institutional knowledge, and guaranteeing your organization's continued growth—even when the inevitable winds of change blow.

Ready to break free from the reactive dance of unplanned transitions? Let's explore the power of succession planning and uncover the tools to build a future-proof leadership pipeline.

Understanding what succession planning is

Ever heard of a company built like a house of cards? One key departure, and the whole thing crumbles. That's the scenario succession planning aims to prevent.

Simply put, succession planning is building the bridge between your present leadership and a vibrant future. It's identifying and nurturing talent – your high-potential stars – to seamlessly step into critical roles when the time comes. Think of it as inoculating your organization against talent shock.

Why is this so crucial? Consider this:

Think of a well-executed succession plan as your secret weapon:

In a nutshell, succession planning isn't just about filling empty chairs; it's about building a thriving legacy. It's the insurance that your organization not only survives, but thrives, even as the leadership baton passes to the next generation.

Ready to learn how to craft your own winning succession plan? Buckle up, the next section explores the essential ingredients for success!

🛤️ Also read our Guide on The 4 Stages of Succession Planning

9 Key elements of an effective succession plan

A common misconception around succession planning is that it's simply a wish list – a hopeful glance toward the future with little substance or strategy. But in reality, it's far more than that. It's a meticulously crafted roadmap that guides an organization through the inevitable twists and turns in its leadership journey.

So, where do you begin in crafting this vital roadmap?

The answer lies in breaking down the essential components that make it truly effective. Imagine these components as individual building blocks, each carefully chosen and strategically placed to form a sturdy and reliable path toward a thriving future.

Let's delve into these critical elements, dissecting their roles and exploring the tools and strategies you can employ to ensure your succession plan isn't just a pipe dream, but a tangible bridge to a prosperous tomorrow.

1. Identification of key roles

In a successful succession plan, identifying key roles is crucial. This isn't about randomly selecting positions to fill; it's about discerning the very engines that drive your organizational ship, the positions that hold the greatest influence and impact. It requires critical thinking and strategic foresight, looking beyond the immediate present and anticipating future needs and growth areas.

For instance, if you're a tech company, your lead software developer or project manager may be key roles. Identify these roles early on to ensure a smooth transition when changes occur.

2. Talent assessment

Once you have identified the key roles, the next step is talent assessment, the delicate yet crucial task of discovering the hidden gems within your talent pool.

Think beyond resumes and experience – look for hidden gems with the right blend of skill, potential, and leadership qualities. Think diverse perspectives and fresh ideas that can fuel innovation and growth.

3. Communication strategy

Next, we build the superstructure of communication and development. Transparency is key – keep your crew informed about the plan and their potential role within it. Hold regular meetings, create informative materials, and foster an open dialogue to build trust and engagement, while celebrating milestones along the way to motivate and inspire.

4. Leadership development

Imagine a seasoned leader stepping down, leaving behind a vacuum that cripples your organization. Leadership development equips potential successors with the skills, confidence, and experience to step into those shoes with minimal disruption.

So, how can you invest in leadership development? The options are varied and adaptable:

5. Mentorship programs

Mentorship programs are a vital ingredient in any robust succession plan. They bridge the gap between experienced leaders and emerging stars, weaving threads of knowledge, wisdom, and practical experience to prepare the next generation for success.

The power of mentorship isn't just anecdotal. It's more than just learning the ropes; it's a knowledge-sharing ecosystem where seasoned veterans impart their hard-won insights, helping rising stars navigate the complexities of leadership, build confidence, and refine their skills.

eBook Colleague Connect: A Program for Stronger Employee Ties

6. Emergency succession plan

No matter how meticulous your planning is, the future can hold surprises. Sudden leadership departures or unforeseen circumstances can disrupt even the most stable organizations. That's why every robust succession plan needs a safety net: a comprehensive Emergency Succession Plan ready to be activated at a moment's notice. Think of it like a fire drill for your organization. Just as you regularly practice for an emergency evacuation, the Emergency Succession Plan outlines the immediate steps and responsible individuals in case of critical leadership disruptions. This ensures a swift and decisive response, minimizing chaos and keeping the organization on track even amidst turbulence. Regularly review and update your emergency plan to reflect personnel changes, organizational shifts, and evolving risks. Conduct simulations to identify potential gaps and refine your response mechanisms.

7. Succession planning committee

8. Integration with performance management

Think of performance management and succession planning as two sides of the same coin. By integrating them, you create a powerful engine for talent development, ensuring a smooth transition of leadership and building a future-proof organization that thrives on its people's potential.

Here’s how you can do this:

9. Regular review and update

Just like your organization adapts and grows over time, your succession plan needs to be a living document, constantly evolving to stay relevant. Regular review and updates are crucial to ensure you have the right leaders ready to step in whenever needed.

Here's how you can embrace continuous improvement in your succession planning:

Remember, a dynamic and adaptable succession plan is an investment in your organization's long-term success. By prioritizing continuous improvement, you ensure you have a pipeline of talented individuals ready to lead when the time comes, navigated by a plan that reflects your evolving needs and keeps you ahead of the curve.

Succession plan example

Now that we've explored the key components and principles of effective succession planning, let's put theory into practice. We'll walk you through a succession plan example for a fictional company, highlighting how these elements come together in real-world situations.

Remember, this is just a jumping-off point, adapt and customize it to fit the specific needs and structure of your organization.

1. Succession plan overview



2. Key Positions

3. Talent Assessment

GreenGrow Gardens employs a three-pronged approach to assess the potential for each key position:

Performance reviews

GreenGrow's performance reviews delve deeper, assessing qualities like communication, problem-solving, and collaboration. Employees at all levels, including peers, direct reports, and even clients, provide anonymous feedback on potential successors. This multi-dimensional, 360-degree feedback helps uncover hidden strengths and weaknesses often missed in traditional reviews.

Leadership potential assessments

Beyond resumes - GreenGrow utilizes validated leadership assessments to measure cognitive abilities, emotional intelligence, strategic thinking, and adaptability.

Customized profiles - GreenGrow uses customized profiles to tailor development programs and mentorship opportunities to maximize each potential leader's growth potential.

Example in action

Assessing Jessica Davis for Head of Sales and Marketing

Performance review - Jessica consistently surpassed sales targets while fostering a positive and collaborative team environment. Her innovative marketing campaigns have gained national recognition, showcasing her strategic thinking and creativity.

360-degree feedback - Jessica received high praise for her communication skills, ability to motivate others, and willingness to mentor junior team members. Clients commended her customer focus and understanding of their needs.

Leadership potential assessment - Jessica's assessment revealed strong analytical skills, strategic thinking, and a high score in adaptability. However, it also highlighted a potential tendency to micromanage.

Based on this multifaceted assessment, GreenGrow identifies Jessica as a strong candidate for Head of Sales and Marketing. Her development plan will focus on empowering her team, delegating tasks effectively, and further honing her strategic leadership skills.

4. Leadership development

GreenGrow offers a range of tailored development programs to ensure that its future leaders have the skills, knowledge, and experience they need to thrive in their roles. Some examples include:

Example in action

Development plan for Jessica

5. Communication strategy

GreenGrow Gardens believes that transparency and trust are essential for a successful succession plan. Here's how they communicate openly with employees and stakeholders:

1. Unveiling the roadmap

2. Tailoring the message

3. Fostering engagement

4. Celebrating milestones

6. Succession timeline

GreenGrow Gardens understands that a clear and realistic timeline is key to a successful succession plan. Here's how they define their roadmap for Jessica Davis' potential transition to Head of Sales and Marketing:

Year 1: Building the Foundation

Year 2: Refining and Preparing

This timeline is a dynamic roadmap, subject to adjustments based on Jessica's development, business needs, and unexpected circumstances.

7. Contingency planning

GreenGrow Gardens recognizes that surprises can strike. To ensure seamless operations even in the face of unexpected departures or disruptions, they have a robust contingency plan in place. This plan includes:

8. Monitoring and evaluation

GreenGrow Gardens understands that continuous monitoring and evaluation are crucial for a future-proof succession plan. Here’s how the company keeps a watchful eye on its succession plan.

9. Documentation and knowledge transfer

GreenGrow Gardens knows that effective knowledge transfer is a continuous process, not a one-time event. The company cultivates a culture of learning, collaboration, and wisdom sharing by following these diverse strategies:

This is a hypothetical succession plan example, and a real succession plan would include more specific details and timelines for each element.

HR's role in succession planning

Succession planning isn't just about filling chairs when leaders move on; it's about strategically cultivating future talent and ensuring seamless transitions for ongoing success. In this crucial endeavor, HR emerges as the architect, playing a multi-faceted role in designing and implementing robust succession plans.

HR wears many hats in this process:

For a truly successful succession plan, collaboration between HR and leadership teams is paramount. Here's how they can work together:

By proactively embracing their role and fostering strong collaboration, HR can ensure that succession planning is not just a box-ticking exercise, but a strategic investment in the future of the organization. By nurturing a pipeline of well-prepared leaders, HR empowers companies to navigate change, overcome challenges, and secure their ongoing success.

Securing your organization’s future with Together

While the daily grind of operations might keep succession planning on the back burner, its importance cannot be overstated. It's not just about filling empty chairs, it's about cultivating future-proof leaders who drive sustainable growth and navigate the ever-evolving business landscape.

Consider the tangible benefits: smoother transitions, minimized disruption, talent retention, and even a competitive edge when attracting top talent. The example we explored, GreenGrow Gardens, showcased how a well-designed plan fosters employee engagement, nurtures future leaders, and ultimately secures the company's continued growth.

But building an effective plan takes more than good intentions. It requires dedicated resources, expertise, and efficient tools to manage and optimize the process. This is where Together, a powerful mentoring platform, enters the picture.

Embrace the future, invest in your talent, and unlock the full potential of your organization. Take the first step by exploring Together: a platform designed to empower your HR team, engage your employees, and cultivate the future leaders who will take your organization to new heights.

Book a demo today and learn how Together can transform your succession planning into a powerful engine for sustained growth and a vibrant future.