Why Is Amtrak Shipping Suspended?

Amtrak shipping has been a convenient option for many travelers looking to ship items across the country via rail. However, in recent months, Amtrak has suspended its shipping services leaving customers wondering why they can no longer take advantage of this offering.

If you’re short on time, here’s a quick answer: Amtrak suspended its shipping services in early 2022 due to supply chain issues and staff shortages resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.

In this comprehensive article, we will explore the key reasons behind Amtrak’s decision to halt its shipping services. We’ll provide context around the broader supply chain disruptions and labor shortages impacting the shipping industry and detail how these issues have specifically impacted Amtrak’s operations and decision-making.

Background on Amtrak Shipping Services

Overview of the Type of Shipping Services Offered

Amtrak is not only known for its passenger train services, but it also offers shipping services for freight and express items. These services provide a convenient and cost-effective way to transport goods across the country. Amtrak offers various types of shipping services, including:

These shipping services are available to both businesses and individuals, making it a versatile option for a wide range of shipping needs.

Popularity and Reliance on These Services

Amtrak shipping services have gained popularity over the years due to their affordability and reliability. Many businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, rely on Amtrak shipping to transport their goods across the country.

The convenience of being able to ship items via train rather than relying solely on trucks or air freight has made Amtrak a popular choice.

One of the main advantages of using Amtrak shipping services is the cost savings. Compared to other shipping methods, such as trucking or air freight, Amtrak offers competitive rates that can help businesses reduce their transportation expenses.

Additionally, Amtrak’s extensive network of rail lines allows for efficient transportation to various destinations.

Moreover, Amtrak’s commitment to sustainability has also contributed to its popularity. Trains are considered a more environmentally friendly mode of transportation compared to trucks or airplanes, as they produce fewer emissions per ton of freight transported.

Businesses and individuals who prioritize sustainability often prefer Amtrak shipping services for their transportation needs.

Supply Chain Disruptions Lead to Service Cuts

The suspension of Amtrak shipping has been caused by a series of supply chain disruptions that have affected the entire industry. These disruptions have led to a shortage of resources and capacity, making it difficult for Amtrak to maintain its usual level of service.

Industry-Wide Supply Chain Issues

One of the main reasons for the suspension of Amtrak shipping is the presence of industry-wide supply chain issues. These issues have been caused by a combination of factors, including labor shortages, transportation delays, and material shortages.

The COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated these problems, creating a domino effect throughout the entire supply chain.

The labor shortages have been particularly challenging for Amtrak, as they rely heavily on a skilled workforce to operate their trains and maintain their infrastructure. With fewer workers available, Amtrak has had to reduce their shipping services to ensure the safety and efficiency of their operations.

Capacity and Storage Limitations

Another factor contributing to the suspension of Amtrak shipping is the limitations in capacity and storage. Due to the disruptions in the supply chain, Amtrak has experienced difficulties in obtaining the necessary resources and storage facilities to handle their shipping operations.

The increased demand for transportation services, coupled with limited resources, has resulted in a strain on Amtrak’s capacity to handle shipments. This has forced them to make the difficult decision to suspend shipping services until the supply chain stabilizes and they are able to secure additional capacity and storage options.

Prioritizing Passenger Services

While the suspension of Amtrak shipping may inconvenience some customers, it is important to note that the decision has been made in order to prioritize passenger services. Amtrak is primarily a passenger rail service, and their main focus is to ensure the safety and comfort of their passengers.

By temporarily suspending shipping services, Amtrak can redirect their resources and attention to maintaining and improving their passenger services. This includes implementing enhanced safety protocols, upgrading their fleet, and optimizing their schedules to better serve their passengers.

It is worth noting that Amtrak is constantly monitoring the situation and working towards resuming their shipping services as soon as possible. They are actively collaborating with industry partners and government agencies to address the supply chain disruptions and find solutions that will allow them to restore their shipping operations in a timely manner.

Pandemic Fallout Results in Staff Shortages

The suspension of Amtrak shipping services can be attributed to various factors, with one of the main causes being the fallout from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has had a significant impact on the transportation industry as a whole, and Amtrak is no exception.

The effects of the pandemic on employee health and safety, hiring challenges, and the lack of resources have all contributed to the suspension of shipping services.

Employee Health and Safety Concerns

Amtrak, like many other companies, has had to prioritize the health and safety of its employees during the pandemic. This has led to a decrease in the number of available staff members, as some employees may have fallen ill or had to quarantine due to exposure to the virus.

The company has implemented strict safety protocols to protect its employees, which may have resulted in reduced staffing levels and ultimately led to the suspension of shipping services.

Hiring Challenges and Turnover

Another factor that has contributed to the staff shortage is the challenge of hiring new employees during the pandemic. Many individuals may be hesitant to pursue job opportunities in the transportation industry due to concerns about potential exposure to the virus.

Additionally, the turnover rate among existing employees may have increased as some individuals chose to leave their positions due to health and safety concerns. These factors have made it difficult for Amtrak to maintain a sufficient workforce to support shipping operations.

Lack of Resources to Support Shipping

The pandemic has also placed a strain on Amtrak’s resources, making it challenging for the company to continue shipping operations. The decrease in passenger travel has resulted in a decrease in revenue, which has limited the company’s ability to allocate resources to support shipping services.

With limited funds available, Amtrak may have had to make the difficult decision to suspend shipping in order to prioritize other critical areas of operation.

The Outlook: When Could Shipping Return?

As the suspension of Amtrak shipping continues, many are eagerly awaiting its return. However, determining when shipping services will resume is a complex process that involves various factors. In this section, we will assess when supply chains may rebalance, discuss the time it takes to hire and train new staff, and explore other revenue priorities for Amtrak.

Assessing When Supply Chains May Rebalance

The resumption of Amtrak shipping relies heavily on the overall stability of supply chains. With the ongoing global pandemic and its impact on the economy, supply chains have been disrupted, causing delays and disruptions in various industries.

As businesses work towards recovery, it is essential to closely monitor the progress of supply chain rebalancing. Factors such as vaccine distribution, easing of restrictions, and economic recovery will play a significant role in determining when shipping services can resume.

According to a recent study by Supply Chain Dive, the successful distribution of COVID-19 vaccines is expected to have a positive impact on supply chains. As more individuals are vaccinated, it will likely lead to increased consumer confidence, higher demand for goods, and a subsequent need for efficient shipping services.

However, the timeline for this rebalancing process will largely depend on the effectiveness and speed of vaccine distribution.

Hiring and Training New Staff Takes Time

Another factor that affects the resumption of Amtrak shipping is the time it takes to hire and train new staff. With the suspension of shipping services, many employees may have been furloughed or reassigned to other tasks.

As Amtrak works towards reinstating shipping operations, they will need to recruit and train new staff members to handle the increased demand.

Hiring and training new employees is a time-consuming process that requires careful consideration. Amtrak will need to ensure that the newly hired staff is equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to handle shipping operations efficiently and safely.

This process may take weeks or even months, depending on the scale of recruitment and training required.

Other Revenue Priorities for Amtrak

While the return of Amtrak shipping is eagerly anticipated, it is crucial to consider other revenue priorities for the company. Amtrak, like many other businesses, has been financially impacted by the pandemic.

As they navigate through these challenging times, they may need to prioritize revenue-generating activities that provide immediate financial relief.

For instance, Amtrak may focus on increasing passenger services as a way to generate revenue and stabilize their operations. By prioritizing passenger transportation, they can allocate resources towards meeting the demand for travel, especially as restrictions are gradually eased.

However, this focus on passenger services may temporarily delay the resumption of shipping operations.


In conclusion, Amtrak was dealt a series of difficult blows that led it to determine that halting its shipping services was necessary given limitations around supply chain capacity, storage space, staff resources, and more.

While inconvenient for customers who had come to utilize Amtrak’s shipping offerings for cross-country deliveries, the broader impacts of COVID-19 and related supply chain issues have made it extremely challenging for the company to continue supporting this offering.

There is no clear timeline for when or if shipping services may resume. Amtrak leadership emphasizes that their focus remains on rebuilding staff capacity, supporting core passenger rail service, and shoring up the company’s financial standing during this arduous period.

Those eager for the potential return of Amtrak shipping will need to stay tuned for any promising updates from the company.

Jennifer Morris is an avid solo travel adventurer who founded Solo Traveller after many years of journeying on her own around the world. She has backpacked through over 50 countries across 6 continents over the past decade, striking up conversations with locals along railway platforms, learning to cook regional dishes in home kitchens, and absorbing a global perspective while volunteering with various community initiatives.

With a Masters in Tourism and Hospitality, Jennifer is passionate about responsible and meaningful travel that fosters cultural exchange. Whether trekking through the Atlas Mountains, sailing to Komodo National Park, or taking an overnight train across Eastern Europe - she is always seeking her next epic destination.

When not globetrotting, Jennifer calls Vancouver, Canada home. There she enjoys kayaking local waters, curling up with books on faraway places, and gearing up for her next solo backpacking trip. As the founder of SoloTraveller, she hopes to motivate and inform fellow solo explorers from all walks of life to take the leap into their own adventures.